Showing posts with label Vehicle Registration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vehicle Registration. Show all posts

Saturday, 26 April 2014

List of Vehicle Registration Number Available for Booking AP RTO New Vehicle Registration numbers are made available on the RTO website which can be seen below on a daily basis. Vehicle registration number can be booked in advance also and also a fancy number can be booked. Note:  1.'R' INDICATES ALREADY RESERVED NUMBER 2.THE APPLICATION FOR RESERVATION OF NUMBER SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY NATIVITY CERTIFICATE IN ORIGINAL 3.D.D ONCE SUBMITTED FOR RESERVATION OF NUMBERS WILL NOT BE RETURNED. 4.APPLICATIONS...
Driving Licence and Vehicle Registration Application Status AP RTO Driving Licence Status and Vehicle Registration Status can be done only at AP RTO website to know when you will be getting your RC book or Driving licence smart card. SEARCH DRIVING LICENCE STATUS and VEHICLE REGISTRATION STATUS FOR ANDHRA PRADESH or SEEMANDHRA SEARCH DRIVING LICENCE STATUS and VEHICLE REGISTRATION STATUS FOR TELANGANA STATE You need to select the Registration or Licence and select input type and enter the...
AP Vehicle Registration Number Search Details , RTO Hyderabad Registration Number of any Vehicle in Andhra pradesh can now be searched online which gives you details like the Chasis number , Engine Number, Owner details etc. ANDHRAPRADESH Search for Vehicle Number Plate Registration Details TELANGANA Search for Vehicle Number Plate Registration Details, RTO Hyderabad You can search for Vehicle Details if you have Registration number or Vehicle number, Engine number , Chassis number or...
Speed Governor RTA Hyderabad for Transport Vehicles A speed governor is a speed limiting device which either acts on the fuel supply line or the accelerator to control the speed at a specified speed. Government of Andhra Pradesh have notified the fitment of speed governors on all transport vehicles vide G.O.Ms. No .... Dated. 14.7. 2009 The same has been published int he gazette on the 16th of July, 2009. vide the said notification the following are the speeds notified: There are primarily two...

Friday, 25 April 2014

Vehicle Fitness Certificate and Medical Certificate for Driving Medical Certificate For Car Driving ? Applicants for the Non-Transport Licences, under the age of 50 years do not require a Medical Certificate. However, those applicants who are over 50 years of age must produce a Medical Certificate. All applicants for Transport Vehicle Licence must produce a Medical Certificate, irrespective of their age. VEHICLE CERTIFIED FOR FITNESS a)    Requirements for Grant/Renewal of Certificate...
Profession Tax for Transport Vehicles Permit Holders Hyderabad Profession Tax is a tax on professions and levied under the A.P. tax on Professions, Trades, Callings and Employments Act 1987 and Rules 1987.  Every person engaged in any profession, trade, calling or employment in the state is liable to tax as specified in the schedule to the act.  For the purpose of the transport sector the amount is Rs. 750 per vehicle subject to a maximum of Rs. 2,500 in addition to Rs. 2,500 per company...
Road Tax Online Payment for Life, Hyderabad AP Transport or RTA has enabled Road Life Tax payment online via dealers for which almost all Dealers are registered and are given the Login ID and Password. Online Life Tax Payment is a facility created for vehicle dealers in Andhra Pradesh, wherein they can pay the life tax for the vehicles sold online either through netbanking or a credit card. The procedure to Pay Road tax online is very simple as explained below. To avail the facility of online...

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Road Tax in Hyderabad for Cars Road taxes in each state differs and is as per the State Government. For Andhra pradesh state government Road Taxes are different for different category of Vehicles. Lifetime Road Tax for Personal Vehicles or Cars Life Road Tax for Company or Organization Vehicles Life Road Tax on Construction Vehicles Hyderabad Source : RTA Hyderab...
Vehicle Registration Form Fees Hyderabad RTA For every class of vehicle Form fees is different to Register and Vehicle. Fee is payable as listed below for various Forms for Registration in Hyderabad. FEE PAYABLE U/R 81 OF C.M.V. RULES, 1989 Sl.NoPurposeAmount in Rs. 01Grant and renewal of trade certificate in respect of each vehicle: Form – 16 a) Motorcycle50.00 b) Invalid Carriage50.00 c)...

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Car Number Plates Rules in Hyderabad , India Form and manner of display of registration marks on the motor vehicles The registration mark or Number plate referred to in sub-section (6) of Section 41 shall be displayed both at the front and at the rear on all motor vehicles clearly and legibly on a plain surface of a plate or part of the vehicle not inclined to vertical by more than thirty degrees, at the front facing direct to the front and at the rear facing direct to the rear. In the case...
AP Vehicle Registration Category Hyderabad Every Vehicle whether Transport or Non Transport is categorized under some category as per RTA rules. The vehicle registration is done for that car based on the category it belongs too. Central Government hereby specified the types of motor vehicles mentioned in column 2 of the table below as the type in respect of motor vehicles specified in the corresponding entry in column 1 thereof for the purposes of sub-section (4). THE Vehicle Registration TABLE Sl.No.Transport...
AP Transport Registration Number Series Search for Districts , Hyderabad Every District in Andhra pradesh has a District level code for cars and the RTA assigns the number to the car based on that to easily identify to which region or district the Car belongs too. District Codes - REGISTRATION NUMBERS TO BE ASSIGNED TO REGIONS IN A.P SI.No.Registering AuthorityCode Number 1Adilabad01 2Ananthapur02 3Chittoor03 4Kadapa04 5East Godavari05&06 6Guntur07&08 7 i)Hyderabad09,10,11,12,13 &...
State Vehicle Registration Codes Below is the list of Vehicle Number Plate Codes for various States. The RTA assigns the Vehicle Registration number in accordance with the Codes below. State Vehicle Codes  Section of 444(E), dated 12-6-1989: In exercise of the powers conferred by sub section(6) of Section 41 of the Motor Vehicles Act,1988 (59 of 1988), the Central Government hereby allots to the States and Union territories specified in column(1) of the Table below, the groups of letters...
How to get Fancy numbers or VIP Car Numbers in Hyderabad Assignment of VIP Car Registration Number in Hyderabad RTA On receipt of applications for registration, the Registering Authority shall arrange them alphabetically every day and assign the numbers serially after the last registration mark assigned subject to the provisions of the following sub-rules. The Registering Authority may on an application in Form RRMA made to it by owner of the vehicles reserve the special numbers within thousand...
Car Registration for Consular or Diplomat in Hyderabad Diplomatic Vehicles come under Section 42 MV Act Special provision for registration of motor vehicles of diplomatic officers, etc. (1)Where an application for registration of a motor vehicle is made under sub-section (1)of section 41 by or on behalf of any diplomatic officer or consular officer, then not withstanding anything contained in sub-section (3) or sub-section (6) of that section , the registering authority shall register the vehicle...
Car Lease Agreement or Hire Purchase Agreement endorsement by RTA, Hyderabad An application for making an entry of Hire-Purchase, Lease or Hypothication agreement in the Certificate of Registration of a Motor Vehicle shall be made in Form 34 , duly signed by the Registered owner of the Vehicle and the Financier, duly paying the appropriate fee of Rs. 100/- only. Download Form 34. Document Requirements: » Certificate of Registration Source : AP Transpo...
NOC Application Form 28 for Vehicle Transfer , RTA Hyderabad Issue of  NO Objection Certificate to Car Owner for Vehicle Transfer to another State  An application for Issue of No Objection Certificate shall be made in Form 28 (in triplicate) to the Registration Authority by which the Vehicle was previously Registered / Transferred. by affixing Rs.3/- Non-Judicial Court Fee Stamp. Download For 28 Document Requirements for NOC Certificate: » Certificate of Registration » Certificate...
Fresh RC Book in case of Name Change or Car Transfer , RTA Hyderabad Issue of Fresh Registration Certificate in the name of Financier   Where the person whose name has been specified in the certificate of registration as the person with whom the registered owner has entered into the said agreement, satisfies the registering authority that he has taken possession of the vehicle [from the registered owner] owing to the default of the registered owner under the provisions of the said agreement...

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Change in Residence Address in RC Book or Vehicle Registration Details An application for recording of change in residence in the Certificate of Registration of a Motor Vehicle shall be made by the owner of the vehicle in Form 33 duly paying the appropriate fee of Rs. 20/- Download Form 33 Requirements for Car Address change: » Certificate of Registration » Proof of Address ASSIGNMENT OF NEW REGISTRATION MARK ON REMOVAL OF VEHICLE TO ANOTHER STATE Get another State Vehicle number if you...
Vehicle Ownership Transfer, Hyderabad RTA Where the ownership of a motor vehicle is transferred, the transferor shall report the fact of transfer in Form 29 to the registering authorities concerned in whose jurisdiction the transferor and the transferee reside or have their places of business. Download Form 29. An application for the transfer of ownership of a motor vehicle under sub-clause (i) of clause (a) of sub-section (1) of Section 50 shall be made by the transferee in Form 30, and shall...